Outreach, and public engagement activities are a key part of our research and include engagement with important policy processes, teaching initiative for school children, public engagement events, and much more. COP26 Ocean-Climate Nexus In the lead-up to 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) which was hosted in Glasgow in November, the University of Edinburgh has partnered with over 55 UK-based universities and research centres to create the COP26 Universities Network. The network aims to bring together diverse researchers from across the UK in order to raise ambition for strong and tangible outcomes from the Climate Conference. In a recent briefing, University of Edinburgh researchers highlight that the ocean matters for the climate negotiations - not only is the ocean facing negative implications of climate change, it also has an important role in mitigation and adaption. Image Discovering the Deep with Our Dynamic Earth In partnership with Edinburgh's Our Dynamic Earth, researchers from the Horizon 2020 ATLAS and iAtlantic Projects based at the University of Edinburgh contributed to the "Discovering the Deep" exhibition. “Discovering the Deep” highlights the amazing deep-sea science carried out in Scotland and includes a temporary outdoor photo exhibit, as well as a new permanent Oceans Exhibition and a nation-wide public engagement programme. The exhibition brings the deep sea to society by highlighting: Stories of pioneering marine discovery, such as Edinburgh scientist Charles Wyville Thomson whose voyages in the 1800s paved the way for modern oceanography. Fascinating discoveries of modern oceanography through high-tech visualization projects. Scotland’s stunning deep-sea ecosystems. Atlantic Adventures with ATLAS The Horizon 2020 ATLAS Project based based out of the University of Edinburgh and featured a range of education and outreach initiatives which aim to showcase key scientific results to various audiences, such as: An educational portfolio featuring a suite of learning resources. Downloadable cold-water coral reef survey mat. Augmented reality colouring pages. Image This article was published on 2024-10-22