Oceans & Society

The University of Edinburgh has an internationally recognised community of social science and humanities researchers.


Better understanding society’s relationship with the ocean:


University of Edinburgh researchers are bridging the gap between academic disciplines in order to find solutions to complex global social and environmental problems. Consisting of ecologists, human geographers, GIS specialists, political scientists, and anthropologists, amongst others, our researchers are working at the environment-society nexus to find solutions to some of the most pressing global challenges.


Research activities include:




Image of a boat and man on a tropical beach.
Image credit: Amber Carter.


Connecting the marine environment, with society, policy, and the economy:


With an increase in technology, we are witnessing unprecedented ocean-sprawl, with industry extending further offshore. As such, sustainably managing trade-offs in complex, marine socio-ecological systems is of critical importance. 


Our researchers take an integrated approach to understand interlinkages between environment, society, and the economy. The University of Edinburgh’s collaboration with Scotland's Rural College brings in research expertise in ecological economics, which aims to understand the complex interactions between socio-economic and biophysical structures and decision-making and sustainability. Our researchers have a particular expertise in research regarding marine ecosystems and their valuation.


Beyond this, researchers have expertise in the application of various multi-disciplinary research methodologies that are directly applicable to marine socio-ecological systems, including Q methodology, Bayesian Belief Networks, Agent-based Modelling, Evidence Synthesis, Multi-Criteria Analysis, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Participatory Modelling, Qualitative interviews and focus groups, Participant observation, Photo-voice, Participatory Video, and Performance-based approaches. 


Projects that are related to marine ecosystem economics include: